March 31-April 4: Spring Break
April 9: Girl Scouts Meeting
April 10: PTO sponsored Spring Fling@5:30-7:30
April 11: Kona Ice Day
April 14-18:Autism Awareness Week
April 17: Early Dismissal
April 18: Staff PL Day and Student Holiday
April 21: Progress Reports Issued
April 22: Georgia Milestones ELA Section 1
April 23: Georgia Milestones ELA Section 2; Girl Scouts Meeting
April 24: Georgia Milestones ELA Section 3; Kindergarten to Tellus
April 25: Georgia Milestones ELA Make-up
April 28: Georgia Milestones ELA Make-up
April 29: Georgia Milestones Math Section 1
April 30: Georgia Milestones Math Section 2
May 1: GMAS Science Sections 1 and 2 for 5th grade only; Brusters Scooper Night @6-9
May 2: Georgia Milestones Math Make-up; WAVE Walk @1:00
May 5-9:Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6: Career Day
May 7: Girl Scouts Meeting
May 8: VPE 5th grade to visit VPM field trip
May 9: Field Day PK-5
May 12: GMAS Re-test
May 13: GMAS Re-test
May 14: GMAS Re-test
May 15: GMAS Re-test
May 16: GMAS Re-test
May 19: PK Awards Day @8:00; Kindergarten Awards Day @8:45; 1st grade Awards Day @10:00
May 20: 2nd grade awards day @8:00; 3rd grade awards day @9:15; 4th grade awards day @10:15
May 21: Bunch/Brodowski awards day at 9:00; 5th grade awards day @10:00 and 5th grade luncheon to follow ceremony
May 22: Talent Show
May 23: Report Cards Issued; Early Dismissal; Last Day of School-NO AFTER SCHOOL CARE